5260 Rue Ferrier Montreal, Quebec H4P 1L3

SEA TRANSPORTATION Horizon Transport’s sea freight services are the best way to handle large-scale international logistics needs. READ MORE AIR TRANSPORTATION Horizon Transport provides a turnkey service for your international air transport needs. READ MORE LAND TRANSPORTATION Horizon Transport’s trusted extensive carrier network able to provide LTL, FTL, Intermodal and ground expedited shipments. READ MORE RAIL TRANSPORTATION Horizon Transport’s Rail Freight products offer secure, reliable and environmentally friendly freight transportation via rail, LCL or FCL. READ MORE

Horizon Transport is a full-service logistics services provider headquartered in Montreal. We work with clients in Canada & US to support their domestic and international logistics needs via road, air, rail, and sea transport. We also offer services related to warehousing, and customs.

Economical Air Freight
Horizon Transport provides a turnkey service for your international air transport needs.

With 1 million + sq ft of warehousing space, we can accommodate all your storage and warehousing needs.
Experts To Help You
Our expert freight forwarders will help you navigate regulations and ports as well as local pickup and last-mile delivery.
Distribution Services
We provide distribution centers, bulk transfer facilities and Cargoflo trans loads giving our rail and non-rail served customer's access across North America and beyond.
Customs Brokerage
Personalized service with a single point of contact – 24/7 – that’ s the advantage of using Horizon Transport’ s Customs Brokerage Service.
Intermodal Transport
Horizon Transport’s Intermodal service offers secure, reliable, and environmentally-friendly freight transportation via rail/truck.


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